Onward to Iguazu from Buenos Aires  :  A beautiful and vibrant place, nestled in the lush greenery of the Misiones province in northern Argentina. It is the gateway to one of the world’s most breathtaking natural wonders, the Iguazu Falls.

As we stepped out of our Airbnb, located in the same building as the Consulate of Paraguay, we were immediately struck by the beauty of the city. The streets were lined with colorful buildings, adorned with intricate murals and street art. The atmosphere was lively and bustling, with locals going about their day and tourists exploring the area. The scenery from the balcony of our Airbnb was spectacular.

Front of our Airbnb

We couldn’t wait to explore the city and all that it had to offer. Dinner the first night was a place that was recommended by several guides. The waiters displayed the fish that was on the menu!

Surubi – a type of catfish
One of the highlights of our trip was visiting the Iguazu Falls, which is just a short distance from the city center. We were blown away by the sheer size and power of the falls, with water cascading down in a mesmerizing display of nature’s beauty. Niagara falls pales in comparison.

The scenery from the Brazilian side of Iguazu Falls was simply breathtaking. As we approached the falls, we could see the mist rising from the cascading water, and we knew we were in for a spectacular experience. The Brazilian side offers panoramic views of the falls, and we could see the waterfalls stretching out over a mile in front of us.

As we walked along the walkways, we saw the waterfalls from different angles, and each viewpoint was more stunning than the last. We could hear the roar of the waterfalls, and the mist from the falls created rainbows in the sky, adding to the already picturesque view.

We were also able to see the Devil’s Throat, one of the most impressive parts of the falls. It’s a massive U-shaped chasm where the water plummets down into the river below. The view of the Devil’s Throat from the Brazilian side was awe-inspiring, and we stood in awe, taking in the sheer power and beauty of the falls.

The lush greenery surrounding the falls added to the already magnificent scenery, and we saw several species of birds and butterflies flitting around us. The Brazilian side of Iguazu Falls offered us a different perspective than the Argentinian side, and we were grateful to have experienced both sides of this natural wonder.

The scenery from the Argentinian side of Iguazu Falls was equally stunning, but in a different way than the Brazilian side. Here, we were able to get up close and personal with the falls, and we could feel the power of the water rushing past us.

As we walked along the upper and lower trails, we were treated to different vantage points of the falls. We were able to walk out on platforms that extended over the river and saw the water cascading down right in front of us. The mist from the falls created a cool and refreshing breeze, and we could see rainbows everywhere we looked.

One of the highlights of the Argentinian side was the Devil’s Throat, where we were able to get up close to the falls and see the water plummeting down into the chasm below. We took the train to the Devil’s Throat station and walked along the metal walkway that led to the observation deck. The sound of the water thundering down was deafening, and we were completely in awe of the power of nature.

The scenery on the Argentinian side was lush and green, with exotic plants and trees surrounding us. We saw several species of birds, including toucans and parrots, and even saw some adorable coatis wandering around the trails.

Overall, the scenery from the Argentinian side of Iguazu Falls was awe-inspiring, and we felt lucky to have experienced it up close and personal.

There are several animal rescue centers in and around Iguazu that are dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating animals that have been injured or displaced due to human activity or natural disasters. One such center that we visited was the Güira Oga Wildlife Reserve, located just outside the city of Puerto Iguazu.

The reserve is home to a variety of rescued animals, including monkeys, birds, and reptiles, many of which are native to the region. The staff at Güira Oga are committed to educating visitors about the importance of conservation and sustainable development, and offer guided tours of the facility to teach visitors about the animals and their habitats.

During our visit, we had the opportunity to see many different animals up close and learn about their behavior and needs. We were particularly struck by the work being done to protect and rehabilitate endangered species such as the jaguar and the tapir, both of which are native to the area.

Overall, visiting the animal rescue center was a truly memorable experience, and we were grateful to have had the opportunity to learn about the important work being done to protect and conserve the natural beauty and biodiversity of the Iguazu region.

The city also boasts a rich cultural heritage, with influences from the indigenous Guarani people as well as Spanish and Portuguese colonialism.

One of the highlights of our stay was the food. The city is known for its delicious cuisine, with a mix of local and international flavors. We savored traditional dishes such as empanadas and asado, and also tried some of the delicious tropical fruits that are grown in the region.

Delicious Empanadas

The nightlife in Iguazu was also impressive, with plenty of bars and clubs to choose from if only we were 40 years younger!

Overall, our stay in Iguazu was unforgettable, full of natural beauty, culture, and delicious food. Staying in an Airbnb in the same building as the Consulate of Paraguay added an extra layer of uniqueness and charm to our experience in this amazing city.

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