On December 12, 1968, Pan Am Flight 217, a Boeing 707, crashed near Caracas, Venezuela and all 51 passengers on board were killed. One of the crew members – an air stewardess as they were then called – was Franciska Buyers who must have been 23 years old at the time.

All this came to mind yesterday when I happened to google, as I some times do, trying to locate people I used to know when I lived in London as a student in the sixties. I was searching for Anton Buyers, Franciska’s younger brother who was a student at Cambridge University when she was killed. I did not locate him but when I did a search relating to the circumstances of the crash of Pan Am 217, lo and behold, I found several references to that ill-fated flight. In fact, I did not know the flight number but knew that it crashed near Venezuela towards the end of 1968.

So why am I writing about Franciska – she was not an old flame though she was a friend. But only three of the victims of the crash were named in the google searches that I did – there was no mention of Franciska and I decided that, with this posting, I would remedy the situation. The named victims – sometimes an almost cursory mention – included a moving account by, Brian, the son of the first officer on the flight, William Canell who was only eight months old when his father was killed. There was mention of the name of the captain, Sid Stillwaugh. Finally, a reference to one of the passengers Olga Antonetti, a former Miss Venezuela.

I did finally locate mention of Franciska’s name in the St. Petersburg Times, dated December 14, 1968, available on the web = though itis not something that would surface in most searches. Also mentioned are other names including stewardess trainee M. Ambrey who was believed to be on her maiden flight in her new role. Other victims names also appear in this newspaper report.

Brian Cannell, the son of the first officer on the flight, in a gesture of remembrance of his father, constructed a model of the Boeing plane complete with its “Clipper Malay” name – a couple of images appear below.

I lived for about 18 months with the Buyers family in Highgate, London, in the early sixties, as a paying guest – I was then a student. I rented a single room and was provided my meals and was, for all intents and purposes, part of the family. Another paying guest was Sethi, an Egyptian doctor, in his thirties, who was doing some sort of specialization. The parents, Jimmy and Drucie were an unusual English couple. For one thing, they were both communists and, not surprisingly, they were atheists. Drucie, interestingly, had a sister who was married to a well known physician who were both very conservative and the polar opposite of Drucie. Jimmy had been a first violinist with the London Philharmonic Orchestra and had played with some famous conductors in his time with the orchestra. They were very good to me and we had numerous discussions on politics and other issues of the day – they treated me like a son. Even after I moved on, I would keep in touch with them and visit them from time to time.

One of the striking things – at least striking to me at that time – was that Franciska and her brothers Anton and Gordon, called their father by his first name, Jimmy. Later, in “To Kill a Mocking Bird”, we of course have Atticus Finch addressed by his first name by his daughter Scout. I recall asking Franciska how it ever came about that she called her father by his first name and she told me that it was her father who wanted it that way.

Franciska and I were about the same age and so we hit it off pretty much right away. We tended to hang out – saw several movies together including West Side Story and Lawrence of Arabia. She applied to become an air stewardess with Pan Am based in New York in 1967. She was surprised and excited when she was offered the job – this was in an era when being an air stewardess was associated with a certain element of glamor since traveling internationally was not something that many people did. Thereafter, I would see her from time to time when she visited London on her various travels around the world. She told me of her involvement with a guy from Florida whose first name was Kit and later around the time she was killed, she was involved with some guy in New York in what seemed a serious relationship.

I was in India when the plane crash occurred and I heard about it upon my return when someone who knew of my friendship with Franciska called me to let me know what had happened. I was shocked and in a state of disbelief. I went to see her parents to offer my condolences. They were remarkably composed and seem more bothered by how it was affecting me than anything else. They told me that it was a suspected case of sabotage and that Franciska’s body had been recovered but they told Pan Am that they did not want to see the body and asked that they not be part of any funeral or burial. They did not even know where she was buried – and had no wish to know. It may sound callous but it really was not – they told me they wanted to remember her the way they knew her when she was alive and given that they did not have any religious beliefs, the burial and any related related service of worship was of no importance.

The cause of the crash was never established – the crash occurred at a time when “black boxes” in planes were not in use. The rumor of sabotage as its cause seems to have been superseded by suggestions of pilot error.

I would assume that her parents have passed on since they would be over a hundred years old today. I have no idea where her brothers are today. Gordon, the older brother was in the British army when I knew Francsika and Anton was at Cambridge University.

The unusual spelling of Franciska’s name was because her mother wanted it that way – she gave me some reason for it but I don’t recall what she said.

This entry is a cyber-memorial of sorts to Franciska – if anyone does a search for her name, they are likely to reach this website.

This post has been updated here. It includes an image of Franciska and her friend, Katherine Kane, who was also a flight attendant with Pan Am.

ADDENDUM I: A New York Times article listing all the passengers and crew on this flight was recently provided to me by Jill Breitbarth.

ADDENDUM II: Jill Breitbarth’s tribute to her friend Juanita Martinez who died on the same flight

ADDENDUM III: Tribute to Marianne Ambrey by her friend Roxanne Loget

112 Responses to “Pan Am Flight 217, ‘Clipper Malay’ – Franciska Buyers remembered”

  1. Brian Canell says:

    Today is 52 years!
    A number of us have just had a two hour Zoom get together thanks to Lizzie Lee, the author of the new book ‘The Lost Lives of the Clipper Malay’. Which is a fantastic account of the crash, the aftermath with the search and recovery operation and stories of all on board.
    Thank you again TJ for this page. I know I say it every year but it’s because of this page so many people have been able to get together and share stories.
    Wishing everyone the best in an awful year.

  2. TJ says:

    Brian, glad to have had a role in getting people together. I never imagined that there would be so many people participating as a result of this entry. I am glad that Lizzie has started another forum to get people together and that she has written a book on the crash and the aftermath.

  3. Brian says:

    53 Years!
    Thanks again Rana for keeping this memory page open


  4. TJ says:

    Brian, glad to have been a gathering point people to voice their sentiments and memories. 53 years and some of us are getting on in years

  5. Brian says:

    Another year has gone by.

    54 years today

  6. TJ says:

    Yes indeed, Brian. The years roll on ….. hard to believe that it has been 54 years!

  7. Chris says:

    I see Lizzie Lee has written a book about the lost of our loved ones.

    Despite being on this thread, I was not interviewed. Her loss, since my story involves my mother’s family trying to get custody of my sister and me, and then his very quick marriage to a friend of my mother to prevent that issue. Then the ruin of his Army career.

    Then when my dad died we got access to so many papers. Like the disposition for PanAm on much one’s family member was worth… they seemed confused that a mother in the 1960s had a job, like my mom did.

    I hope Ms. Lee had that documentation, otherwise I will feel very bad about that absence.

  8. Chris says:

    To clarify: My dad was going to lose custody of my sister and me. Which is why he remarried six months after my mother’s death. There was so much puberty rage in my life.

  9. Brian says:

    55 years today.
    Thinking of all those involved.

  10. TJ says:

    With you, Brian and others

  11. Brian says:

    Remembering 56 years ago yesterday.

    I tried to post yesterday but kept getting an error message.

  12. TJ says:

    Yes Brian .. it has been 56 years. Seems like a lifetime.

    I have been having problems with the blog since I moved the hosting to another company. Sorry about the inconvenience

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